
late-onset schizophrenia

Could Late-Onset Schizophrenia Be Causing New Problems?

For most people with schizophrenia, symptoms first appear during adolescence or young adulthood. And while this can be a confusing time, at least upon its resolution, individuals are usually set up to manage their schizophrenia symptoms throughout the rest of their lives. However, in certain cases, late-onset schizophrenia can appear well into adulthood, which can...
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Is Xanax Addictive?

Is Xanax Addictive? Benzodiazepine Risks

Drug use is on the rise, especially in Louisiana. In 2020, Louisiana led the country in overdose deaths, with nearly 1,930 deaths (a 48% increase from 2019). One type of drug that has been growing in popularity is benzodiazepines. These drugs are often used to enhance the effects of alcohol in social situations such as...
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world mental health day quotes

You’re Not Alone: International Mental Health Day Quotes

The 10th of October is Mental Health Day, both in the United States and internationally. On World Mental Health Day, people and organizations across the world speak up in order to raise awareness about the struggles of people dealing with mental illness. Although we know so much more about mental health today, there is still...
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suicide rates during COVID

Suicide Rates During COVID: Reviewing the Latest Data

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the lives of Americans and everyone else around the world. In addition to the physical and social changes that have occurred, there have also been serious concerns surrounding people’s mental health during this time. But has there been an increase in suicide...
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using alcohol to cope

Replacing Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms in 2021

2021 is almost here, and most people are ready to say goodbye to 2020. The pandemic has meant unpredictable job losses, mental health concerns due to isolation, and a whole host of new stress factors. And while everyone has (more or less) learned how to get by at this point, you do not want to...
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mental health care

What to Do After Rehab to Avoid Relapse

When you have a mental health condition or substance abuse issue, getting help is important. But so is knowing how to get help after you graduate from a treatment program. Recovery is a lifelong process, and you’ll need to be prepared to commit to recovery after you return to your normal life. But how can...
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symptoms of drug addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction You Need to Know

The symptoms of drug addiction aren’t always obvious. That’s because many people struggle with the difference between addiction and recreational use. While many drugs carry inherent risks of addiction, most people don’t become addicted to most substances after using them once. Drug addiction doesn’t come with a sign that announces that you have a problem...
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why is mental health important

Why Is Mental Health Important? How to Get Help

Why is mental health important? This is a smart question to ask in today’s world where mental health is becoming more prominent, but there is still a stigma associated with mental illness. Mental health is something you can’t see, and it’s easy to think you simply need to suck it up and get over it....
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xanax and alcohol

The Dangers of Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

Both Xanax and alcohol have their places in the lives of people all around the world. Xanax is a prescription medication in the benzodiazepine family that can help treat anxiety and panic disorders, making life a lot more manageable for over five percent of the adult population in the United States who take these drugs....
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