
Tina drug - crystal meth abuse

Tina Drug Abuse: Louisiana Methamphetamine Recovery

Methamphetamine abuse is on the rise in Louisiana, but you may hear it called by street names for meth, especially among younger crowds. Other names for meth include chalk, crank, speed, and the “Tina” drug, and methamphetamine addiction is becoming a larger problem across Louisiana, particularly among ravers. Today, we’re going to tell you what...
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addiction recovery

The Stages of Addiction and How to Break the Cycle

There is a popular misconception that there is a thin line between “casual substance use” and “alcohol or drug addiction.” However, the truth is that there are stages of addiction, and progressing through them is how addiction develops. The good news is that if you can identify that you’re in an early stage of substance...
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peer recovery coach

Peer Recovery Coaches: The Path to Long-Term Recovery

In the early stages of recovery, the path forward can seem clear. You enroll in a local rehabilitation center, learn how to manage your substance use disorder, and possibly transition to outpatient treatment if you need further care. But what do you do after alcohol or drug addiction treatment? Well, one option to continue your...
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